Tag Archives: vibe

Date Idea- Couples Spa

Couples Massage

I’m sure the initial thought that most men are thinking right now is, “oh hell no, I’m not doing that crap.” and that’s perfectly fine because that was my initial response as well. It wasn’t until I was suckered into it was when I realized how amazing this can be. However, your mindset has to be open because if you go into it with mentality that you’re going to have a horrible time, you’re probably going to have a horrible time. It’s true what they say, “You don’t know what you’re missing until you’ve had a spa treatment”. I’m cognizant that’s not what “they” say but I knew it would throw you off completely.

The reason I suggested a spa treatment instead of a standard massage is because you have options as to what treatment you would like to receive rather than being confined to just a massage or a facial (that’s what she said). It’s astonishing how many options you can choose from, such as being wrapped in leaves (like a banana), or having your skin exfoliated with milk and honey (I rather eat that combination to be honest), or have hot stones placed on your back (WARNING: you will come out looking like a dinosaur), and any facial you could think of. Sidebar: Maybe not any facial you can think of. Eh, maybe- depending on where you go. Sorry, that was the testosterone and the 14 year old boy coming out of me. How ironic that I’m combining this with a date, which is probably not the best look.

Now that you know what treatments you’re able to receive at a spa, why is it such a great idea for a date? It’s a rather simple answer.. you don’t have to talk! Just kidding. But really. The best part of participating in a couples spa treatment is that you’re probably more relaxed than any other time you’re together. Not only is your body being relaxed but you’re mind is being relaxed at the same time (Crazy, right?!). The best way to put it is that you’re forced to be relaxed when most of our lives are consumed with school, work, siblings, parents, rent, and other additional responsibilities that may or may not stress you out. If you’re able to find a spa that has wine, you’re golden. There’s no better way to spend your time with someone than when you’re mind is freed from everything. Check out my top 5 spa’s in LA:

5) Burke Williams (Multiple Locations)
4) One Spa (Beverly Hills)
3) Carasoin (Beverly Hills)
2) Four Seasons Spa (Beverly Hills)
1) Spa Montage (Beverly Hills)

I’m feeling happy today so if you send your name, e-mail address, and phone number, I might just raffle off some gift cards. 🙂

Act your wage

Make it rain

How often do we see people wearing the most exorbitant designer brands, driving exotic sport cars, living in multi- million dollar mansions, etc.? How about going to a club in Hollywood and seeing people with bottle service? I’m positive that if you’re a person living in Los Angeles, you’ve been exposed to either of these situations and if you haven’t, I’m sure you’ve seen something rather germane in the media. At some point you have either consciously or subconsciously asked yourself, “I wonder what they do for a living to live that sort of lifestyle”, or probably something along the lines as, “Where did they get that type of money to afford that”?. I believe it’s safe to assume that there’s a considerable amount of people that can’t actually afford that sort of lifestyle which leads me to this concept of acting your wage.

This concept is extremely simple and I don’t want people to think that there’s more to it . It essentially just means that your lifestyle should be a reflection of what you make. I’m not by any means stating that you shouldn’t reward yourself with luxurious items or with an expensive spa treatment, but if you’re someone that is in their early to mid 20’s, I think it’s safe to assume that investing in these items on a consistent basis is not reflective of what you make. There’s always going to be exceptions to this rule, but I just want to encourage those to not get caught up in these materialistic items. Being someone in your 20’s, more often than not your trying to establish your identity in life and you’re looking to find out who you really are. Somewhere along this process temptation becomes more prevalent and people will let these items of materialistic nature define who they are. They’re so caught up in who’s wearing what, who’s driving what, and who’s going where that they’re more focused on others than they are on themselves. This is one of my favorite quotes that sums up this concept of acting your wage:

“We spend money that we do not have, on things we do not need, to impress people who do not care.”

There’s an abundance of young adults who are financially illiterate and due to external factors they’re easily convinced that they need validation from others in order to define who they are. Being someone that is adequately simple but can appreciate the finer things in life, I’m constantly being tempted to indulge in something that I know I can’t realistically afford but I’ve learned that it takes a person with discipline to resist the temptation. It always goes back to what people value in their life. Some people don’t mind spending hundreds of dollars going to events like Coachella while others rather use that money on a plane ticket somewhere. Some people rather spend hundreds (if not thousands) of dollars getting bottle service while others rather spend it on a wine tasting tour in the Santa Ynez Valley. I can’t knock anyone for their values, but if you’re not making “baller” money you shouldn’t be living a “baller” lifestyle. You have champagne taste but have beer money.

Date Idea- iPic Theaters


iPic Theaters

How many of us absolutely love lounging around and watching a movie while binge eating every food item that we shouldn’t eat? I know I do. Especially Sunday nights. Actually any night of the day would suffice. The worst part about movie theaters is that not only is the food crap but you’re not able to lay down (that sounds hella pretentious). The worst part about watching a movie on your couch is that you don’t have a giant screen in front of you- this obviously doesn’t pertain to everyone (pretentious again). What if you could recline your chair, have a blanket and a pillow, and press a button which calls upon your own personal waiter? Sounds like a dream, right? Wrong.


With 10 locations across the nation, iPic Theaters brings an experience which combines a dinner experience while watching a movie.. with luxury. If you’re someone who enjoys the convenience of things and you’re willing to spend a little extra on a date, I’d highly suggest attending a movie at one of their locations. This date idea is more for an older audience (and by older, I mean out of college) due to the amount you’d probably spend here.. if you do it correctly. You’re essentially paying for both the experience and the service here and you can easily get lost in the enjoyment of both. Just bring cash and leave your wallet in the car is what I mean.


The Los Angeles location is in Pasadena and they’re opening their Westwood location shortly as well. As soon as you walk into the venue you immediately realize that this isn’t your Pacific Theaters or AMC. I’m not saying this because it’s covered in gold or anything, but it’s actually extremely simple which is unusual for what the actual experience is. They have a bar and a lounge where you’re able to purchase food and drinks (alcoholic and non- alcoholic) before the movie starts (if you get there reasonably early) and you can either close out your tab with the bartender/waiter or just transfer it to your seat in the theater. When you walk into the actual theater, orange seats are arranged in pairs which makes this a perfect date idea. By the way, I’d highly suggest if you come with a group, you make sure you’re not the 3rd wheel. As you sit down you’re met with a menu and your personal waiter who assists you through the movie. You’re able to recline your chair almost 180 degrees and you’re even able to request your own blanket and pillow (swoon). The food items are more aperitifs if anything, so you’re able to order a little bit of everything. For non- members the movie ticket is $29 and for members the movie ticket is $24. You can easily become a member by joining their website!


The Dress Up Trunk


Don’t you ever wish that you could bring along your closet with you wherever you go? Or perhaps do your shopping in the convenience of your front yard? If you’re looking to start a business or even invent a product, you’re probably looking to create something that provides convenience for the general public, right? Think about it for a second. Some of the best services were created with the premise that it would serve as something convenient for either a target audience or for the general public. Pizza delivery, Grocery delivery, Shoedazzle/JustFab, Fourth and Grand, and now (drum roll please)…The Dress Up Trunk.


My lovely colleague, Rani, turned a rather novel idea into a hobby and it seemingly became a business which has blossomed over the past couple years. The food truck craze has expanded immensely within the last decade and now we’re seeing this trend in every metropolitan city in the nation, and even globally! When you’re able to blend an automobile and food, you’re guaranteed to attract audiences. Depending on what is on your menu is what will differentiate you from your competition. Rani’s passion for handmade vintage clothing is what has been able to set her aside from those in the similar industry. When you’re able to combine your passion with convenience and novelty, you’re essentially establishing the foundation for your business. During my routine coffee binges in the morning at my current company, I’ve spoken to Rani numerous times about fixing her truck and having to get new materials for as long as I can remember. She has always been committed to what she enjoys doing and it’s reflected in her work.


I recall attending one of her first events in a parking lot in Venice where she showcased her truck for the first time (or one of her first times- excuse my memory). I was extremely intrigued by this idea because of how popular food trucks have become to be and it’s transcended into fashion. After stepping in through the back of the truck, I recall there being a trunk with quilted pillows (as shown above) on the right side, and a custom closet on the left side with various clothing items hanging. Being borderline obsessed with vintage clothing (and really vintage anything), I was immediately pleased with what I saw. What made it even better was that she told me these items were all hand- made which had me sold. If I was in a relationship, I probably would have bought the whole left side of the closet because I was infatuated with everything she had to offer. She displays everything from dresses to skirts to tops to accessories and everything underneath the kitchen sink (is that the correct phrase?).


She’s set up her truck at the Pasadena flea market multiple times and I suggest that if you ever see this truck on the street, you hop right in! Actually, you might want to wait before the truck comes to a complete stop and then hop in. I just don’t want to be held liable for your gullibility. I’m a huge fan for what she’s been able to accomplish not only because of the service she offers but the passion she has for craft. It takes a special person to invest so much time, money, and effort to create such an idea and I encourage you to like her facebook page and see where the truck ends up next! Who knows, it might be in your backyard and you may not know it. Well, not literally. You get my drift.

Spread the love. Support Rani’s movement. Let’s Vibe.

Vibe with Rani

Oh, and don’t forget about this month’s giveaway here!

Free Giveaways!!!- April winner will be announced on 4/14

April giveaway

This month’s giveaway will just be a review of either a previous article I’ve posted or of my blog in general. I’m very appreciative of all the feedback I’ve received about my blog since launching last month and I would love to hear what you think. Just let me know what I’ve been doing right, what can I improve on, what you’d like to see and so forth. The more detailed the better! Depending on the responses, I may choose more than one winner this month. 🙂 Please see the rules of the giveaway below:

  • Share this post on Facebook, Twitter, and/or Instagram (if using Instagram, please “mention” me so that I know it’s being referenced).
  • Like my page VibeWithMe
  • E-mail info@vibewithme.com with your reply to that month’s giveaway.
    • Please include your name, phone number, and your username to either of the social networks listed above so that I can shout you out! Well, maybe not your phone number.
  • After the 7 day window of that month’s giveaway, I’ll select one winner (maybe more depending on the responses) and announce it on the website.
  • Redeem your prize!

Here are the gift cards and/or tickets that I’ll be giving away:

  • $100- Victoria’s Secret
  • $100- Bebe
  • $100- Mac
  • $100- Burke Williams
  • 2 tickets to a Clipper game (because it’s Lob City all day. Everyday.)
  • 2 tickets to a Dodger game
  • $100- Foot Locker
  • $100- Zara

A Woman’s Worth

A Woman's Worth

A woman is often measured by the things she cannot control. She is measured by the way her body curves or doesn’t curve, by where she is flat or straight or round. She is measured by 36-24-36 and inches and ages and numbers, by all the outside things that don’t ever add up to who she is on the inside. And so if a woman is to be measured, let her be measured by the things she can control, by who she is and who she is trying to become. Because as every woman knows, measurements are only statistics. and STATISTICS LIE.”

How is a man supposed to know a woman’s worth if she doesn’t? Know your worth because if you don’t, no one else will. Ladies, how often are you shown images by the media that makes you believe that you may be lacking something? With all the multiple advertising platforms such as digital, print, and the television, I’m sure you’re constantly being reminded that you don’t have a certain breast size, you don’t weigh a certain amount, you don’t earn a certain amount, you’re not as successful as the next woman, and so forth. What is a woman’s worth? Is it qualitative? Is it quantitative? Is it tangible? Can you be married into it? Is it something that is contrived? Are you born into it?  Depending on the culture, generation, and perspective, the answers to these questions are subjective which leads me to one objective conclsuion- you define your worth.

“A woman isn’t beautiful because of fashion or stuff,
Or the color of her hair or the shape of her butt…
She is beautiful when she nurtures her self
Takes care with her soul, her heart, and her health
For when a woman is nurtured, inside and out
Her true beauty is something we can’t be without.”

A woman’s worth is undeniable, yet I see that a woman’s self- esteem and self- respect fluctuates and they tend to seek approval from others which fuels the meter. You may be thinking, “what does being insecure have anything to do with their self worth?” It has everything to do with it. If you constantly need to seek the approval of those around you (even those who you don’t know), then you’re being defined by what they think and not actually by who you are. Let me explain. How many of you have friends on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram who post pictures of themselves half- naked or some variation of it? I’m sure we all do and I’m sure those pictures receive the most “likes” and the most “comments”. If you don’t believe me, go to their profile and compare a provocative picture against a picture of some food item (or whatever you feel like). Fellas, let’s not lie and say we won’t “like” it because if we could “like” it more than once, I’m sure we would. Let’s keep it real. The point of this example is that women will continue to post these pictures because they feel it gets them the most attention (which it does), but why can’t you receive the same amount of feedback with more clothes on?

When people love you, embrace that sh*t. You define your worth. If you have a successful career along along with a beautiful family. That’s your worth. If you choose to sleep around and choose to do drugs. That’s your worth. That’s the beauty of life! Your worth is and your destiny is dependent on your choices that you make now and the perspective you have. A woman’s worth is what she makes of it. The world will tell you that your worth is determined by the tag on your purse or the number on the scale, but when you embrace the person within you’ll never be insecure. You’re not perfect, so stop trying to be. Someone that values the person you are will accept you for everything you have to offer- flaws and all.

The best example of how a mother helps her daughter identify her worth and her identity is  how Jada Smith speaks upon the choices Willow has made about her physical appearance (particularly shaving her head):

“The question why I would let Willow cut her hair, first the let must be challenged,” says Pinkett Smith. “This is a world where women [and] girls are constantly reminded that they don’t belong to themselves — that their bodies are not their own, nor their power or self-determination. I made a promise to endow my little girl with the power to always know that her body, spirit and her mind are her domain.”

Jada is empowering her daughter to embrace herself so that she (Willow), can be secure with her body/mind and know her worth. In doing so, Willow will be able to disregard societies construed vision of what the “norm” is and be comfortable in her own skin. I couldn’t agree more with this style of parenting. No women’s hair defines her worth. 

The cruel reality is that women live in a man’s world BUT women really do rule the world. They just haven’t figured it out yet. When they do, and they will, we’re all in big trouble.

Happy Easter ya’ll!

Barak The Rapper


No, not like Obama. Yes, like the Rapper.

I’m blessed to have friends that love what they do and do what they love. It’s a beautiful thing to see those around me succeed and if there’s anything that I can do to help nurture their success, I’m all for it! I guess you can say I’m cut from a different clothes and others success motivates me. As much as I speak down on how pretentious and materialistic Los Angeles is, it’s a melting pot of cultures and crafts which brings those that may not seem compatible create some beautiful thangs. It appears that regardless of what your craft is, you’re able to establish your brand and your passion here in Los Angeles because of the networking that’s available. I have friends that are into acting, singing, rapping, interior designing, culinary arts, designing clothes, etc. but they have one common theme amongst them- passion. They don’t do it for the fame, the money, the entourage, but do it because they simply enjoy it.

My good friend Barak Nathaniel Yahud, better known by his stage name Barak The Rapper was born on August 24, 1989 in Tel Aviv, Israel. Barak moved to Los Angeles, CA at the age of nine and began speaking, reading and writing in the English language for the first time in his life. He picked up the language rather quickly and started writing poetry as well as song lyrics by the time he was twelve years old. Barak recorded his first song in a recording studio by the time he was fourteen. Hip Hop did not seem as the obvious choice of music for a fourteen year old Israeli born teenager however, artists such as Eminem, Tupac and Nas quickly inspired the poetry fanatic to start writing hip hop song lyrics. Throughout his high school years, Barak recorded different songs with various local artists however, never truly focused on his craft due to the fact that he was still very much preoccupied with school and sports. Sports took up most of Barak’s time growing up. He went on to run track at California State University, Northridge and graduated with a degree in Biology. Over the past few years Barak The Rapper has put together a couple mixtapes and a self titled EP which was released in June of 2012. Barak has worked with multiple artists on a number of mixtapes as well as albums. He has opened up for big name artists and performed in mainstream venues such as the El Rey Theatre and the Key club in Hollywood. Barak has recently performed on College Campuses such as California State University, Long Beach as well as other California campuses. Now at the age of 23, Barak The Rapper has never been more poised and ready to spread his music throughout the world of Hip Hop and enlighten music fans everywhere.

I’ve been able to attend several of his performances at multiple locations and I cannot begin to describe the vibe of the venue from the beginning of the performance until the end. We all know how it goes, a no- name artist comes up on stage at your local club and everyone immediately goes on their cell phones to avoid from listening to the performance. To be honest, I thought that his shows wouldn’t be any different but it all depends on how hyped you are that sets the tone for the rest of the show. Law of attraction! You can be a talented rapper or singer, but you need to be an amazing entertainer to get the crowd on your level. That goes from choosing the right track, to ensuring the bass is “slappin” at the right level, and everything in between. There’s all these additional variables that Barak takes under consideration before taking the stage that will put him on the forefront of the competition.

From those that I have spoke to in the entertainment business, they see that so many people go into a specific field because they know that it will gain them all the materialistic riches in the world and not necessarily because it’s something they love to do. I’m a huge fan of Barak, not because he’s great at what he does but because he loves what he does and it shows through his work. People that tell you that you can’t have had someone tell them the same thing and they believed it. He clearly can. If you’re passionate and have unconditional love for your craft, I guarantee it wil be portrayed in your art. Barak is able to take something as complex as love and simplify it so that those of any generation are able to relate to it (see his video “Love Purgatory” above if you haven’t already and if you’ve already seen it… see it again).

His next performance will be this April 5th at The Good Hurt in Venice Beach @ 8:00PM. The cover is $10, but the experience and good vibes cannot be quantified. He’ll be performing new tracks off of his new EP so be sure to go and support!

Spread the love. Support Barak’s movement. Let’s Vibe.


Most beautiful places in the world

Gran Salar de Uyuni, Bolivia

**Grand Salar de Uyuni, Bolivia pictured above

Seeing that as I love to travel (or should I say the thought of traveling), I’m always scouring the internet for unique places that most people might not have heard of. I’ll go to sites like  Buzzfeed, Huffington Post, Examiner, etc. where they sometimes feature articles of some enchanting places. After compiling my top 10 places, which was more difficult than selecting my favorite cafes, I’ve listed them for you below. If you’ve been to any of these places, I’d love to hear your feedback as to how your experience was. This reminds me that I need a travel buddy to hopefully visit half of these places. They’re just magical. Almost Disney magical.

  1. “Tunnel of Love” Kleven Ukraine

    %22Tunnel of Love%22 Kleven, Ukraine

  2. Antelope Canyon, Arizona

    Antelope Canyon, Arizona

  3. Blue Lagoon Galapagos Islands, Ecuador


  4. Havasu Falls Grand Canyon National Park


  5. Hitachi Seaside Park, Ibaraki


  6. Wisteria Tunnel Kawachi Fuji Gardens, Japan

    Wisteria Tunnel- Kawachi Fuji Gardens in Kitakyushu, Japan

  7. Sea Cliffs Varadero, Cuba


  8. Maldives


  9. Ice Canyons, Greenland

    Ice Canyons, Greenland10. Plitvice Lakes, CroatiaPlitvice Lakes, Croatia

Date idea- Couples Cooking Class


Do you love food? Clearly this is a rhetorical question because who doesn’t love food? Most of the date ideas I have or will be providing will be encompassed around some sort of food item (yes, because I’m fat and food makes me happy). Whether you’ve been in a relationship for moons (for future reference this just means a very long time) or this is your first date, I would certainly recommend doing some sort of variation of this. If you didn’t know, there’s a plethora of cooking classes such: pastry making, pasta making, cooking for beginners, organic, sushi making, etc right here in LA! The options you have to choose from is incredible, so you’re able to tailor your date accordingly.

Here in Los Angeles, we’re fortunate enough to have numerous options for dates but we often commit to just dinner and a movie. The reason I would suggest a culinary class for a date is that it takes you out of your “comfortable” element and it gets you out of routine that you might usually have with your significant other. I guarantee you that if you’re planning this and it actually follows through, the other person will be eating something off of you at the end of the night. Bet. Eh. Well, if it’s a first date then I’m not sure but for sure if you’ve been dating awhile! You’re able to learn how open- minded the other person is and most important, you’re able to assess if they have the potential of being a good chef in the future. Unless you enjoy take out or frozen food, I suggest you and your significant other learn how to cook AND cook well.

I actually have not had the opportunity to try any cooking classes but I’d be more than willing to go with anyone that would like to accompany me. My treat! Everyone has a bucket list and this is definitely on there. Being in a family of chefs (both professional and recreational), I’ve always had an itch to learn how to cook. I mean I can make a mean grilled cheese and a scrumptious PB&J… just kidding. I can make simple things like pasta, enchiladas, lasagna, etc. but I’d like to make more sophisticated dishes.You never know when you might meet someone and that may completely win them over. Oh, and so that you can whip something up when you have guest over and you’ll look hella awesome in front of them. I did some research and I found several classes that have had the best reviews:

  1. EATZ (La Brea/Melrose, Los Angeles)- This might actually be a solid place to go with a group of friends or even have a “grown up” birthday since the max amount of people per class is 16. From what I’ve heard they fill up pretty fast, so I suggest that you book early. It’s not like college where you crash the class in hopes that the professor chooses you for that empty seat. Actually, they might do that. Disregard that. They have classes for both beginners and those who are advances as well as how to make pizza from scratch, cocktail bash, food from bacon, seafood and many more!
  2. Sur La Table (Fairfax/3rd St, Beverly Hills)- Sur La Table actually hosts all things for kitchen and bathroom related but they also host cooking classes! The location of this place is amazing since it’s nestled in between The Grove and The Farmer’s Market so you’re able to do additional activities before or after your cooking class (movies, shopping, etc). I’ve had previous co- workers try these classes and they always rave about how much they enjoyed it. From what I hear, these classes are well organized, friendly, and fun which is essentially all you need when taking culinary classes. They have classes for Macrons, healthy living, secret sauces, french pastries and have other great selections to choose from.
  3. Hipcooks (Robertson/Venice, Los Angeles)- There’s a Hipcooks West and a Hipcooks East, so regardless what side of LA you live on you should have access to either of these places. The reviews mention that this place is ideal for those who are culinary novices and enjoy the hands- on experience. People constantly rave how enthusiastic the instructors are, which for me, can make or break the experience. Similar to the previous culinary classes I mentioned they host classes such as “The Cheeze Wiz”, “A romantic dinner for two”, “Pasta in Casa” and other various classes with unique names.

Why do women like a**holes?


All I ever hear from my lady friends is, “he’s such an a**hole”, “I don’t know why I let him treat me this way”, “I know I can do better”, “he never does anything romantic for me”, “he rather spend time with his friends than with me”, and the list continues. Once I hear these statements, I then have about 172 thoughts that run through my head. Such as:

  • If you know he’s an a**hole, why do you stay with him?
  • Why do you let him treat you that way?
  • You’re naive and I’m hungry.
  • If you know you can do better why do you still stick around?
  • What do you consider romantic?
  • Have you told him how you feel?
  • Is that bacon I smell?

Obviously those questions are not in chronological order because the last question would most certainly come first. It actually makes sense why women love a**holes but the fact of the matter is, I don’t want want to hear these questions from you if I give you advice and you completely ignore it. I understand that at the end of the day it’s your decision but if you come to me repeatedly with the same problem, I’m more than likely going to ignore you and just nod and smile because whatever I tell you you’re obviously going to ignore it. I’m an awesome friend. Don’t you hate that- When someone comes to you for the SAME advice and you constantly give them the SAME advice and they don’t EVER take the SAME advice? Sorry, I went off on a tangent there. Now let me finally tell you my hypothesis (with science involved!) as to why women love a**holes.

Well what sort of traits do these stereotypical bad boys have? I think we can all agree that they’re typically good looking, confident, strong energy, and social. These are just a few of the traits that most of these men probably have, correct? I just want to know why the nice guys can’t have these stereotypical traits. I’ve found out that these men typically will never commit to you, henceforward you’re more than likely going to chase after them. And what does that mean? It’s a challenge! Women love men who are comfortable with themselves and confident and it didn’t take me countless hours of research to find this out.

“You always want what you can’t have.”

This isn’t just isolated to women but can be applied to anything in life. Remember as a child when you wanted that hot wheel or barbie at Target and your parents told you that you couldn’t have it? You cried, whined, screamed, pouted, but the reality of it is that you wanted it more after they told you “no.” Since a**holes are typically emotionally unavailable they’ll show this by probably not texting you, not calling you, not being affectionate, placing their needs before yours or a variation of those things. What happens when they finally do that? It’s a reward! Here’s the scientific explanation behind this reinforcement that I read on some site awhile back:

“The most powerful and addictive type of behavioral reinforcement is called Intermittent Variable Ratio Reinforcement.”

What the heck does that mean? In laymen’s terms, this just mean that a reinforcement is given to you at random rather than after a specific action. Sometimes these men are actually nice, BUT the difficult part is that you never know when it will come. Womp. Now let’s apply this behavior towards their a-hole traits. If you look at their “nice” behavior as the prize or the reward, it makes complete sense as to why women stick around for all the crap their given. You deal with all their crap because you know that eventually you’ll be randomly rewarded for sticking around. If a nice guys is constantly nice to you, you won’t be necessarily rewarded since that behavior is consistent. Mind. Blown. Does this make sense or do I need to sit down with you and explain it over coffee? or ice cream? or macaroons?

Do you want to know how to fix this? Well read no further, because I have no clue. However, I do have a suggestion. Why don’t you date a nice guy? Is it because you like to chase these men who can care less who you are? Do you enjoy playing those games? Do you not want to date a nice guy because their chivalrous? Do you enjoy crying? Don’t you ALWAYS want to be “rewarded?” You’re probably asking yourself, “but Christian, where are all these nice guys?” Oh, we’re here. In the friend zone. Exactly where you left us.