Tag Archives: romance

Is Romance Dead? No, just re- invented.


It’s been almost a year since my last blog post and to be completely candid, I just had no inspiration. Not to say that my life is vanilla (and there’s nothing wrong with vanilla), but I lacked motivation, vision, and any other synonym that comes to mind. I didn’t want create content just for the sake of it since I promised myself from the very beginning that this blog would be dedicated towards topics that I felt I was passionate about.

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Date Idea- Couples Spa

Couples Massage

I’m sure the initial thought that most men are thinking right now is, “oh hell no, I’m not doing that crap.” and that’s perfectly fine because that was my initial response as well. It wasn’t until I was suckered into it was when I realized how amazing this can be. However, your mindset has to be open because if you go into it with mentality that you’re going to have a horrible time, you’re probably going to have a horrible time. It’s true what they say, “You don’t know what you’re missing until you’ve had a spa treatment”. I’m cognizant that’s not what “they” say but I knew it would throw you off completely.

The reason I suggested a spa treatment instead of a standard massage is because you have options as to what treatment you would like to receive rather than being confined to just a massage or a facial (that’s what she said). It’s astonishing how many options you can choose from, such as being wrapped in leaves (like a banana), or having your skin exfoliated with milk and honey (I rather eat that combination to be honest), or have hot stones placed on your back (WARNING: you will come out looking like a dinosaur), and any facial you could think of. Sidebar: Maybe not any facial you can think of. Eh, maybe- depending on where you go. Sorry, that was the testosterone and the 14 year old boy coming out of me. How ironic that I’m combining this with a date, which is probably not the best look.

Now that you know what treatments you’re able to receive at a spa, why is it such a great idea for a date? It’s a rather simple answer.. you don’t have to talk! Just kidding. But really. The best part of participating in a couples spa treatment is that you’re probably more relaxed than any other time you’re together. Not only is your body being relaxed but you’re mind is being relaxed at the same time (Crazy, right?!). The best way to put it is that you’re forced to be relaxed when most of our lives are consumed with school, work, siblings, parents, rent, and other additional responsibilities that may or may not stress you out. If you’re able to find a spa that has wine, you’re golden. There’s no better way to spend your time with someone than when you’re mind is freed from everything. Check out my top 5 spa’s in LA:

5) Burke Williams (Multiple Locations)
4) One Spa (Beverly Hills)
3) Carasoin (Beverly Hills)
2) Four Seasons Spa (Beverly Hills)
1) Spa Montage (Beverly Hills)

I’m feeling happy today so if you send your name, e-mail address, and phone number, I might just raffle off some gift cards. 🙂