Tag Archives: love

Vibin’ with Andriana



La Moda x 365hangers

…and if you don’t know, well now you know.

I know that I haven’t interviewed someone in an about 2 months, but I promise that I’ll be back on my game.. soon.. real soon. I had the pleasure of interviewing this beauty this week and I believe it’s safe to assume that we agreed that LA (particularly the valley) is much smaller than we thought. I went to middle school with her best friend, she went to high school with my best friend, we used live around the corner from each other, and my best friend and her best friend are relatively close friends. Are you still following? If not, I completely understand because I may have lost myself as well. Any who, as a fellow blogger, Andriana has been able to turn her hobby into a part time position at 365hangers.com. Her love for fashion and “look books” is evident through her work and I have no doubt that she will exceed in any role that she chooses in her young life.

As a CSUN alumni (GO MATADORS!!) and a broadcast journalism major, she interned for ABC7 and NBC4 which gave her the initial exposure to the broadcasting world. Like many other students in college, we’re all so eager to leap into our fields but what we fail to realize is that we need to be able to crawl before we walk. By interning for these major LA networks, Andriana was able to receive a hands on experience in her field. As the sole writer and owner of Lamodabyandriana.com, she displays a portion of her lifestyle which encompasses make up tips, food secrets, season trends, and her sophisticated style.

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At 365hangers.com she researches other bloggers to be featured on their website to assist with content, so if you’re an avid fashion blogger please reach out to her and I’m sure that she would be more than happy to assist. They’re actually hosting a Twitter party next Thursday (5/23) at 11AM PST, so be sure to follow along and enter to win their grand summer prize using the hashtag #365HANGERS.

Sitting down with someone that has such passion and drive for her craft is always a warming and rewarding experience. For someone that has to drive just as far (actually further. Sucker.) for her job, it’s definitely reassuring to know that it’s her passion that allows her to make those trips. For anyone that commutes from the Valley to the Santa Monica area, we feel for you. Would you like to carpool? I’m sure Andriana and I would love to take the carpool lane which should shave off around 20 minutes from our commute. I actually use the carpool lane regardless. Just kidding. But not really. Her inspiration for blogging is drawn from wanting to showcase what she loves to do but not having to attend to it on a daily basis and isn’t that what we all want? Doing something that we love to do but not having to feel committed to do it. Thanks again Andriana for vibin’ with me during a chilly summer night! See below for ways to contact Andriana and 365hangers.com and additional questions from the interview:

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/andriana.olivares
Instagram: http://instagram.com/andrianao/

Instagram: http://instagram.com/365hangers
Twitter: www.twitter.com/365HANGERS
acebook: www.facebook.com/365HANGERS

What do you value the most? 

What is one of your long term goals?
Hosting a fashion show (in terms of a television show)

What would you describe your style as?
California girl, Feminine, Classic, Old School 

What is something that most people don’t know about you?
My favorite color is white (so weird- just kidding) 🙂
Loves to cook

What’s a deal breaker for you?
Men that aren’t ambitious and that lie.

If there was one celebrity that you would to play you in a movie, who would it be?
Salma Hayek- “hottest little Latin lady” or Charlotte from Sex and the City with Carrie’s style.

Date Idea- Couples Spa

Couples Massage

I’m sure the initial thought that most men are thinking right now is, “oh hell no, I’m not doing that crap.” and that’s perfectly fine because that was my initial response as well. It wasn’t until I was suckered into it was when I realized how amazing this can be. However, your mindset has to be open because if you go into it with mentality that you’re going to have a horrible time, you’re probably going to have a horrible time. It’s true what they say, “You don’t know what you’re missing until you’ve had a spa treatment”. I’m cognizant that’s not what “they” say but I knew it would throw you off completely.

The reason I suggested a spa treatment instead of a standard massage is because you have options as to what treatment you would like to receive rather than being confined to just a massage or a facial (that’s what she said). It’s astonishing how many options you can choose from, such as being wrapped in leaves (like a banana), or having your skin exfoliated with milk and honey (I rather eat that combination to be honest), or have hot stones placed on your back (WARNING: you will come out looking like a dinosaur), and any facial you could think of. Sidebar: Maybe not any facial you can think of. Eh, maybe- depending on where you go. Sorry, that was the testosterone and the 14 year old boy coming out of me. How ironic that I’m combining this with a date, which is probably not the best look.

Now that you know what treatments you’re able to receive at a spa, why is it such a great idea for a date? It’s a rather simple answer.. you don’t have to talk! Just kidding. But really. The best part of participating in a couples spa treatment is that you’re probably more relaxed than any other time you’re together. Not only is your body being relaxed but you’re mind is being relaxed at the same time (Crazy, right?!). The best way to put it is that you’re forced to be relaxed when most of our lives are consumed with school, work, siblings, parents, rent, and other additional responsibilities that may or may not stress you out. If you’re able to find a spa that has wine, you’re golden. There’s no better way to spend your time with someone than when you’re mind is freed from everything. Check out my top 5 spa’s in LA:

5) Burke Williams (Multiple Locations)
4) One Spa (Beverly Hills)
3) Carasoin (Beverly Hills)
2) Four Seasons Spa (Beverly Hills)
1) Spa Montage (Beverly Hills)

I’m feeling happy today so if you send your name, e-mail address, and phone number, I might just raffle off some gift cards. 🙂

Date Idea- iPic Theaters


iPic Theaters

How many of us absolutely love lounging around and watching a movie while binge eating every food item that we shouldn’t eat? I know I do. Especially Sunday nights. Actually any night of the day would suffice. The worst part about movie theaters is that not only is the food crap but you’re not able to lay down (that sounds hella pretentious). The worst part about watching a movie on your couch is that you don’t have a giant screen in front of you- this obviously doesn’t pertain to everyone (pretentious again). What if you could recline your chair, have a blanket and a pillow, and press a button which calls upon your own personal waiter? Sounds like a dream, right? Wrong.


With 10 locations across the nation, iPic Theaters brings an experience which combines a dinner experience while watching a movie.. with luxury. If you’re someone who enjoys the convenience of things and you’re willing to spend a little extra on a date, I’d highly suggest attending a movie at one of their locations. This date idea is more for an older audience (and by older, I mean out of college) due to the amount you’d probably spend here.. if you do it correctly. You’re essentially paying for both the experience and the service here and you can easily get lost in the enjoyment of both. Just bring cash and leave your wallet in the car is what I mean.


The Los Angeles location is in Pasadena and they’re opening their Westwood location shortly as well. As soon as you walk into the venue you immediately realize that this isn’t your Pacific Theaters or AMC. I’m not saying this because it’s covered in gold or anything, but it’s actually extremely simple which is unusual for what the actual experience is. They have a bar and a lounge where you’re able to purchase food and drinks (alcoholic and non- alcoholic) before the movie starts (if you get there reasonably early) and you can either close out your tab with the bartender/waiter or just transfer it to your seat in the theater. When you walk into the actual theater, orange seats are arranged in pairs which makes this a perfect date idea. By the way, I’d highly suggest if you come with a group, you make sure you’re not the 3rd wheel. As you sit down you’re met with a menu and your personal waiter who assists you through the movie. You’re able to recline your chair almost 180 degrees and you’re even able to request your own blanket and pillow (swoon). The food items are more aperitifs if anything, so you’re able to order a little bit of everything. For non- members the movie ticket is $29 and for members the movie ticket is $24. You can easily become a member by joining their website!


Most beautiful places in the world

Gran Salar de Uyuni, Bolivia

**Grand Salar de Uyuni, Bolivia pictured above

Seeing that as I love to travel (or should I say the thought of traveling), I’m always scouring the internet for unique places that most people might not have heard of. I’ll go to sites like  Buzzfeed, Huffington Post, Examiner, etc. where they sometimes feature articles of some enchanting places. After compiling my top 10 places, which was more difficult than selecting my favorite cafes, I’ve listed them for you below. If you’ve been to any of these places, I’d love to hear your feedback as to how your experience was. This reminds me that I need a travel buddy to hopefully visit half of these places. They’re just magical. Almost Disney magical.

  1. “Tunnel of Love” Kleven Ukraine

    %22Tunnel of Love%22 Kleven, Ukraine

  2. Antelope Canyon, Arizona

    Antelope Canyon, Arizona

  3. Blue Lagoon Galapagos Islands, Ecuador


  4. Havasu Falls Grand Canyon National Park


  5. Hitachi Seaside Park, Ibaraki


  6. Wisteria Tunnel Kawachi Fuji Gardens, Japan

    Wisteria Tunnel- Kawachi Fuji Gardens in Kitakyushu, Japan

  7. Sea Cliffs Varadero, Cuba


  8. Maldives


  9. Ice Canyons, Greenland

    Ice Canyons, Greenland10. Plitvice Lakes, CroatiaPlitvice Lakes, Croatia

Why do women like a**holes?


All I ever hear from my lady friends is, “he’s such an a**hole”, “I don’t know why I let him treat me this way”, “I know I can do better”, “he never does anything romantic for me”, “he rather spend time with his friends than with me”, and the list continues. Once I hear these statements, I then have about 172 thoughts that run through my head. Such as:

  • If you know he’s an a**hole, why do you stay with him?
  • Why do you let him treat you that way?
  • You’re naive and I’m hungry.
  • If you know you can do better why do you still stick around?
  • What do you consider romantic?
  • Have you told him how you feel?
  • Is that bacon I smell?

Obviously those questions are not in chronological order because the last question would most certainly come first. It actually makes sense why women love a**holes but the fact of the matter is, I don’t want want to hear these questions from you if I give you advice and you completely ignore it. I understand that at the end of the day it’s your decision but if you come to me repeatedly with the same problem, I’m more than likely going to ignore you and just nod and smile because whatever I tell you you’re obviously going to ignore it. I’m an awesome friend. Don’t you hate that- When someone comes to you for the SAME advice and you constantly give them the SAME advice and they don’t EVER take the SAME advice? Sorry, I went off on a tangent there. Now let me finally tell you my hypothesis (with science involved!) as to why women love a**holes.

Well what sort of traits do these stereotypical bad boys have? I think we can all agree that they’re typically good looking, confident, strong energy, and social. These are just a few of the traits that most of these men probably have, correct? I just want to know why the nice guys can’t have these stereotypical traits. I’ve found out that these men typically will never commit to you, henceforward you’re more than likely going to chase after them. And what does that mean? It’s a challenge! Women love men who are comfortable with themselves and confident and it didn’t take me countless hours of research to find this out.

“You always want what you can’t have.”

This isn’t just isolated to women but can be applied to anything in life. Remember as a child when you wanted that hot wheel or barbie at Target and your parents told you that you couldn’t have it? You cried, whined, screamed, pouted, but the reality of it is that you wanted it more after they told you “no.” Since a**holes are typically emotionally unavailable they’ll show this by probably not texting you, not calling you, not being affectionate, placing their needs before yours or a variation of those things. What happens when they finally do that? It’s a reward! Here’s the scientific explanation behind this reinforcement that I read on some site awhile back:

“The most powerful and addictive type of behavioral reinforcement is called Intermittent Variable Ratio Reinforcement.”

What the heck does that mean? In laymen’s terms, this just mean that a reinforcement is given to you at random rather than after a specific action. Sometimes these men are actually nice, BUT the difficult part is that you never know when it will come. Womp. Now let’s apply this behavior towards their a-hole traits. If you look at their “nice” behavior as the prize or the reward, it makes complete sense as to why women stick around for all the crap their given. You deal with all their crap because you know that eventually you’ll be randomly rewarded for sticking around. If a nice guys is constantly nice to you, you won’t be necessarily rewarded since that behavior is consistent. Mind. Blown. Does this make sense or do I need to sit down with you and explain it over coffee? or ice cream? or macaroons?

Do you want to know how to fix this? Well read no further, because I have no clue. However, I do have a suggestion. Why don’t you date a nice guy? Is it because you like to chase these men who can care less who you are? Do you enjoy playing those games? Do you not want to date a nice guy because their chivalrous? Do you enjoy crying? Don’t you ALWAYS want to be “rewarded?” You’re probably asking yourself, “but Christian, where are all these nice guys?” Oh, we’re here. In the friend zone. Exactly where you left us.

Can you date the same person twice?


I suppose the question should really be, “Should you date the person twice?” rather than “Can you date the person twice?”. If I’m asking “Can you?”, I’m essentially asking if you’re capable of dating the same person twice and obviously that question is yes. But, the real question is, “Should you?”. I’ve been in and out of the dating scene for some time now (more out than in actually) but I’ve always told myself that I would never date the same person twice. I have friends that can easily do so and see no problem with it, but I can’t wrap my head around that concept. I won’t lie though, the last person I dated I had previously dated and that is probably why my position on this subject is so stern. I’ll go ahead and argue both sides in this post since I understand that not everyone has the same mentality as me when it comes to this issue… or any issue for that fact.

For many relationships, regardless of the generation, there appears to be a common theme of time periods where they separate for an elongated time and they’re able to set aside their differences. I guess they would consider that person their “soulmate” because of the adversity they were able to over come or what not. For those that have dated the same person twice, they all have given me a variation of the following responses:

  • This is God’s way of telling us that it’s meant to be
  • They’ve changed
  • It’s different now, we’re older and have both learned from the past
  • It’s true love
  • After dating someone else, I realized how amazing they were

I can probably only agree with the last point, because unfortunately, it takes us losing something or someone to realize it’s value. Regardless of what the reason may be, they’ve gone back to the person they once had feelings for because those feelings arose and they followed their emotions. Those that have dated the same person twice LOVE using the below quote:

“If you love something, let it go. If it comes back to you, it’s yours forever. If it doesn’t, then it was never meant to be”

Now this is where I begin my rebuttal. First, that above quote is the most preposterous thing I’ve ever heard in my life. If you love something, why in the world would you let it go in the first place? If you loved something, wouldn’t you want to hold onto it with all your might to prevent it from leaving you? Perhaps I’m over thinking the quote, but that doesn’t make sense to me. If you have a different opinion, please explain. Second, I feel that dating the same person twice is like reading the same book twice. You already know the ending, so why read the book again? Yes, you might have loved the book and you might interpret it differently the second time around but the ending is the same regardless of your interpretation. For example, at the end of Lion King (yes I’m using a Disney movie as a reference), Simba takes over Pride Rock as the new king after defeating Scar. Can you argue that? No. Why would’t you want to read a new book and expose to yourself to the other beautiful things life has to offer? Who knows, you might actually like the book. Third, if you weren’t able to work out your differences the first time and the end result was to break up, what makes you think history won’t repeat itself? I find that it’s much easier to result to breaking up and quitting rather than working it out and fighting for that relationship you had. We’re so quick to say “I love you” and “it’s over”, but we’re hesitant to tell each other that “everything is going to be okay” or “we’re going to make this work.” I believe it’s a generation thing. If you don’t believe me, look at the divorce rate for those between 18-30 as opposed to those in their 50’s and older.

The reason I believe we go back to that same person is because we get comfortable. Just like anything in life, once we have an acquired taste to something, we determine that we enjoy it and want to experience it again. The problem with that is that with some people, it limits them from trying other things in the world because they’re so comfortable with what they already have that they’re scared to try new things. They’re afraid that they might not like it and for some, they know that if they do like it they’ll leave with what they’re comfortable with… which essentially frightens them as well. This doesn’t just apply to relationships, but we need to be able to take calculated risks and try those other things. Whether it be new food, talking to a stranger, going skydiving, or going to a foreign country, we need to feel comfortable with ourselves to know that the only way to expose yourself to life’s wonders we need to be open minded.

It’s easy to get caught up in love, but we often listen to our heart rather than our head which leaves us vulnerable.

Do you think you can date the same person twice? Are you currently dating someone that you’ve dated before? Are the same issues occurring? Were you able to set aside your differences? What does it take to make things work? All feedback is more than welcome.