Author Archives for cliquigan

Date ideas- Wine tasting


**Demetria pictured above.

Every now and then I’ll be writing an article on date ideas because as a single man I have an abundance of date ideas but never go on them. These articles will predominantly pertain to men, but hey, if you’re a woman planning the dates.. more power to you! I can actually appreciate women planning their dates as it’s not of the norm and most women are passive when it comes to doing so. Yes, this is a hint.

I’ve been fortunate enough to go wine tasting in the Santa Ynez valley the past 2 years and I cannot get enough of the wineries out there. I stumbled across this wine tour after numerous searches on Google along with the help of Yelp (that rhymes!). Santa Barbara Wine Tours & Wine Tasting is hosted by an amazing tour guide, Bryan, who is extremely passionate about his craft and has an endless amount of knowledge. He’s able to educate his audience about sustainable farming and the positive influence it has on the environment. Driving from Los Angeles, I met him at the Santa Barbara train station and he picked us up in a Mercedes Benz Sprinter Van which uses biodiesel fuel. The hospitality was exquisite and professional from the time we arrived until the time we left.


My suggestion is to make a weekend out of it or at least spend the night there after the wine tasting because it’s definitely much more vino than anticipated. Within the 5-7 wine tasting tour (seems like a long time but well worth it), you’re able to go to 3 different wineries where you’re able to test around 6 glasses of wine. By glasses, I mean “sample glasses” but it will hit you quicker than you think. This tour also includes an organic picnic lunch which is delicious! At several wineries, you’re even able to taste the grapes right off of the vine which happen to be the most succulent fruits I’ve ever tasted. It’s that good. I participated in this tour in October both years and I cannot begin to express how beautiful the weather was. It was probably around 70-75 degrees with a nice ocean breeze which made you want to nap right then and there. It is quite pricey at $125 per/person but you get more than what you’re paying for (the vino, the experience, the knowledge, and you’ll earn serious brownie points with that special person).


It’s always nice to get out of Los Angeles to an area where you’re able to sit back and enjoy a glass of wine- literally. I’d highly suggest going in the Spring or Fall time when the grapes are ripening although I forgot which time of year they ripen (clearly I wasn’t paying attention). The pictures don’t do any justice of what the experience is like so I’d suggest that you try it yourself- along with a friend or a significant other. I promise you won’t regret it!!


Traveling tips and deals!


**Santorini, Greece pictured above. I’ll be going there this year. Yes. Yes I will.

I’ve had the biggest itch to do some serious traveling this year and I’m planning to conquer both Thailand and Greece. So what do you do when you have an itch? You scratch it. And what do you use to scratch it? Anything that can alleviate the itch the quickest and is most effective. In this instance I have an array of tools to scratch my itch. I’ve learned that in order to get the best bang for your buck, you need to create alerts for certain destinations and you’re even able to set a threshold as to how much you’d like to spend with some of these sites. There’s obvious trends that you need to pay attention to such as seasonality (summer is typically the most expensive for any destination). As tedious as it may seem, it’s always best to compare numerous travel sites so that you’re getting the best deal possible. Here are some tips when considering which places you’re looking to go to:

  • If you’re planning to travel during “high- traffic” times such as Thanksgiving, Christmas, Memorial Day Weekend, etc. it’s best to book your flight/hotel at least 12- 16 weeks prior to your trip.
  • If you have the luxury of traveling during flexible dates, it’s best to travel AND book during the week (Tues or Wed specifically) as these are the days when flights are typically the cheapest.
  • Social networks! I can’t begin to tell you how many deals I constantly see on facebook and twitter (probably because they’ve already “cookied” me and they’re simply retargeting me).
  • Delete your cookies every time you’re searching for a new flight or vacation. Every time you search for a specific flight or vacation, that site drops a “cookie” and establishes you as a user on their site. What happens is that each time you continue to search for the same flight/vacation, travel sites will hike up the prices because they’ve established you as a user and will continue to raise the price. By deleting your cookies, they see you as a “new” user and will send you the cheapest prices since they believe that you haven’t visited their site with the same search before.

Now that you know this, here are the sites that I’d recommend to go to. I won’t lie, I stole some of them from my friend Krista who covered a similar topic in late January.

  • – This is for all your Carribean and Central American needs (Probably the best site if you’re looking to go to these destinations)
  • – You’re able to plan a multi- city trip here and the prices are amazing!
  • – everything from flights, hotels, and vacations all around the world can be found here. This is typically my “go- to” site.
  • – extremely easy to navigate and you’re able to set alerts for a certain price threshold
  • – self-explanatory.
  • – you’re able to set alerts here as well for certain cities during a certain month or a specific date.
  • Southwest Click ‘N Save– It’s all over the social networks and they always have hella cheap deals.
  • Groupon and Living social getaways- great vacation steals!
  •– a little bit more expensive but it’s also more luxurious (definitely stole from Krista)

Happy travels!


Happy thoughts


 Happiness is a choice.

I’ve been reading numerous inspirational books since the year began and I’d highly recommend reading “Every Day a Friday” by Joel Osteen (you’ve probably seen him on KTLA at 6am on a Sunday). This book was referred to me by my friend/co- worker Rachele and I couldn’t keep my hands off the book once I picked it up. It’s actually on my iPad, so I’m not sure if the previous statement made any sense but you know where I was headed. It essentially speaks about how people tend to be happier on Fridays for obvious reasons: it’s the end of the week, it’s finally time to relax, mini- vacations, spending time with that special someone, etc. The best advice I received from this book is that, “How you live your life is totally up to you. It’s not dependent on your circumstances. It’s dependent on your choices.”

As simple as this may seem, it took me 23 years to realize that I should only worry about issues that I can control. I made a promise to myself a couple months back that I would have a more positive mindset and get rid of any other variables that may change that. More often than not we complain about the circumstances that we’re in. I’ve found myself complaining about how I have to go to work on a particular day but the mindset that I should have is that I get to go to work. This means that I’ve been blessed enough to have a career, while there’s others struggling to find a job. I’m sure we’ve all complained about how we’re constantly stuck in traffic, but at least you have a motor vehicle to get you from point A to point B while others don’t have that luxury. Abraham Lincoln said it best, “Most people are as happy as they’ve decided to be.” If you wake up with a smile on your face and a positive outlook on the day, it sets the tone for the rest of the day. Granted it may not always go as smooth as you’d like but focus on the issues that you can control. You may have some setbacks and your circumstances may change, but don’t let that change your mind. Keep it set on happiness.

I’ve found that more times than not we have what we need to be happy but we don’t have the right perspective. Everyone has something to be happy about right now. Whether that be our health, our jobs, our family, a spouse, or even an opportunity. Living in today’s society it’s fairly easy to take things for granted and not appreciate what we have. We always want more but don’t necessarily need more. We feel like we’re entitled to certain things but we don’t want to work for it. I’ve also found that we can create our own unhappiness by seeing what’s wrong rather than what’s right.

You choose the people that you surround yourself with which may easily have a direct or indirect impact on your happiness. Surround yourself with those who will uplift you and make you a better person. If they’re not pushing you up, they’re just pulling you down. In the past I’ve found myself trying to please others even if it was at the expense of my own happiness. When you let people squeeze you into their mold, you lose your uniqueness and essentially you also lose your identity. The older I get the more I appreciate how small my circle has become. Small circle, no squares. People will come in and out of your life, whether it be for a reason or a season or sometimes even both.

“Nothing happens to us; it happens for us”

Free Giveaways!!!- March winner will be announced on 3/10


I’ve been fortunate enough to meet some amazing people during my college years and I’m surprised as to how many of them I’ve actually kept in touch with. As our relationship(s) blossomed and acquaintances became friends, I slowly started to (and still do) accumulate gift cards and/or tickets to concerts, sporting events, etc. The majority of these gift cards I cannot use due to the fact that there isn’t anything at Victoria’s Secret, Bebe, Mac and some other feminine focused stores, that I can purchase- well at least not for myself.

I figured the best way to stop hoarding these gift cards would be to use my blog as an outlet to give them for away for FREE! Yes, free. There’s always a catch, right? Yes, there’s always a catch. The only catch here is that I ask for some sort of interaction with my blog, which I’ll go further into depth about during these giveaways. The variation of the gift cards and/or tickets will probably be the same since it appears that the rotation has been consistent over the past couple years. I’ll definitely announce if anything new comes along though! Enough talking- let me tell you what the steps will be every month in order to enter the giveaway!

  • Share this post on Facebook, Twitter, and/or Instagram (if using Instagram, please “mention” me so that I know it’s being referenced).
  • E-mail with your reply to that month’s giveaway.
    • Please include your name, phone number, and your username to either of the social networks listed above so that I can shout you out! Well, maybe not your phone number.
  • After the 7 day window of that month’s giveaway, I’ll select one winner (maybe more depending on the responses) and announce it on the website.
  • Redeem your prize!

Here are the gift cards and/or tickets that I’ll be giving away:

  • $100- Victoria’s Secret
  • $100- Bebe
  • $100- Mac
  • $100- Burke Williams
  • 2 tickets to a Clipper game (because it’s Lob City all day. Everyday.)
  • 2 tickets to a Dodger game
  • $100- Foot Locker
  • $100- Zara

Fellas, I know you’re thinking, “Most of these items are mostly for the ladies, what use do I have for them?”. Great question! Luckily, I have an answer. If you have a special someone in your life, this makes an amazing gift and will definitely score you some brownie points for surprising them. If you’re not sure what I mean by this, contact me privately and I’ll break it down for you.

Now… for this month’s giveaway:

Although I already have a running list of ideas for topics to cover, I’m always looking for novel topics to cover. With that being said, I’m looking for the top 5 topics that you’d like me to cover- the more detailed the better. I’m looking for a diverse list that doesn’t only consist of relationship advice, traveling tips, etc. You get my drift. Even if you assume I don’t know anything about the topic, throw it out there because it just may be something that I’d be willing to learn about. I’m an open canvas.
*Please follow the rules listed above as to how enter the contest for the giveaway. 

Blog community- Vibe with em’

I have about 15 different blogs bookmarked and that’s usually how I begin my day (No one reads/watches the news anyways). It’s a variety of topics consisting of traveling, fashion, dating, food, and all that good stuff. Long story short, read em’, stalk em’, do what you please but support their movement.



This pretty little thang, Krista, encompasses what it means to be a “go- getter” with her Scorpio attitude. She’s an avid traveler and an ah-mae-zing  photographer who literally writes like how she talks (which I lahhvee). I’ll be covering an event with her for Project Ethos during LA Fashion next week which I’m hella excited about. She covers just about everything under the sun (travel, photography, dating, etc.) so you’ll always have something novel and fresh for you.

Facebook: Krista Barry
Instagram: Krittab



This Colombian bombshell is probably one of the wittiest writers I’ve ever came across (way, weigh, wheyyyy or some variation haha) who really takes blogging about music to next level. Working for Power 106 along with Sway Calloway, she’s hit the ground running with her blog bringing us music from different genre’s and updating us on up and coming artists!

Facebook: Nicky Garcia
Twitter: Nicky Geezy
Instagram: Nicky Geezy



I believe her site is currently under construction, so please go here in the meanwhile. We all have or have had issues with dating, whether it be “why women love assholes” or “when to say I love you” and everything in between. Her POV has actually sparked numerous ideas for relationship- centered topics that I’ll be covering along the way. Ever feel like your caught between a rock and a hard place in your love life? Help yourself and visit her blog… she’s probably already answered your questions.

Facebook: Bruna Nessif
Twitter: Bruna Nessif
Instagram: Brunaaaaa



Please check this out this wonderful photographer and foodie blogger!! By the way, I hate the fact that I can’t grow out a stache like his. I actually try to read his blog AFTER I’ve eaten because everything seems so damn delicious that I figured if I read it after I’m full, I’m not as likely to stuff my face. His pictures definitely speak a 1,000 words with his point of view and ability to capture LA’s beauty. Spread the love.

Facebook: Khristian Garay
Twitter: Thtkidkrs
Instagram: Thtkidkrs



Ironically my boy Khristian and his wife Claudia (pictured above) both have a blog about what their passion(s) are. Ever want to put together an outfit that may look like it a cost a million bucks but is actually worth around $100? Well fear no longer, here is how to do it! The name of the blog is self- explanatory and she even takes it a step further and tells you where she’s bought her items. Amazing, right?!

Facebook: Clauds Felix- Garay
Twitter: Clauds_Love
Instagram: Clauds_Love

Barbie and Ken 101

I probably came around this video back in high school where Def Poetry Jam was a bit more prominent and I’ve probably posted this on facebook more times than I can remember. Growing up in a society (specifically LA), it’s extremely difficult to not get lost in the “Hollywood” lifestyle. Whether that be buying the most luxurious cars, wearing the high- end brand name items, plastic surgery, etc., we’re constantly exposed to a lifestyle that appears to be of the norm. I suppose that this isn’t specific to LA since the media magnifies this across almost every medium. Do you remember when MTV used to be focused around music? Now we have shows like “16 and pregnant”. Really? What about “21 and graduated from college?”

Any who, this poem written and presented by Rafael Casal speaks on how young women are consistently reminded how they’re physical attributes essentially define who they are.

“My teacher has no face, she is every Revlon model women have ever chased, her lectures can be seen in magazines, in beauty shops and ad campaigns.”

It’s not just Barbie that has young women feeling this way anymore but with shows such as “Real Housewives of (insert you city)”, “America’s Next Top Model”, etc., they’re brainwashed (and I used that term loosely) to believe that unless you have the “sexiest” body and wearing designer clothes, you’ll be ostracized by your peers. I’m not saying that it’s unacceptable to buy nice things or enhance your body, but there’s so much more to life than what people perceive you to be. I’m a firm believe that you need to “get your mind right before you get your body right.” As a pre- teen and as a teenager, our minds are the most delicate because we’re still attempting to find out who we are. The best way to do this is not to let people define who YOU are, but embrace the person within because once you do, you’ll never be insecure.


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