Author Archives for cliquigan

Valentine’s Day/Weekend ideas in LA


Can anyone else believe that January is coming to an end? Well you know what that means, only 11 months left to go until 2015! Besides the obvious, there’s almost 10 other days that are celebrated or observed during this month including: Lincoln’s Birthday, Groundhog Day, Ballet Day, President’s Day, and the most well known date in February is the 14th. Why you ask? Continue reading

The List


Lets do a little exercise. Get a pen and paper (or your notepad on your phone will suffice) and I want you to write the top five qualities you look for in a significant other. It can be physical attributes, specific knowledge, type of personality, and anything under the sun. Got it? Good. Continue reading

App- Fix your parking ticket



For those of you that get frequent parking ticket (Hi Sean!), it appears that there’s a new app called “Fixed”, or could be “GetFixed”, that helps you fight your ticket. According to the site, it appears that all you need to is take a photo of the ticket and then you have a specialist assist you with how you can contest the parking ticket (see above picture). Continue reading

What would you do if you weren’t afraid?


As this year comes to an end, like most of us, have attempted to summarize what we’ve been through in the past 365 days. We’ve experienced new relationships, new cultures, new music, new homes, new cars, and have probably lost some of these as well. As we reflect on this year, do you ever wish that you went back and did something that you didn’t? Continue reading

What are you thankful for?



Thanksgiving is finally around the corner! Some of us aren’t as elated as this is always a reminder that the ensuing year is almost a month away. It’s a time to see that one cousin that we never want to see, hear your aunt call someone in your family fat, wear sweatpants, and stretch for Black Friday as to hurdle over other customers that were trampled by mothers.. with their babies in their arms. Continue reading

Music for your soul- Laura Reed

laura reed


Since I’ve been on this mini- Euro trip, my playlist has been filled with nothing but (neo) soul- including Lauryn Hill, Joss Stone, Jill Scott, Floetry, and Laura Reed & Deep Pockets. I first heard of Laura Reed on the Andrea Bocelli Pandora Station (weird, right?) late last year and was introduced to her single, “Happy” (Live at Tree Sound Studios). Continue reading