Author Archives for cliquigan

How to Snag a Pricing Airline/Vacation Glitch


I’m very fortunate to have friends whom are also avid travelers, and I’m even more fortunate that they provide loopholes and tricks of the trade for ways to find more travel steals. I’ve had friends that have been able to go to Hawaii for just over $300 (3 nights, round trip airfare, and hotel included) and other friends that have found deals from NY to South Africa (round trip) for just $395. I’ve been able to find similar deals such as my trip to Jamaica in 2012 which was only $700 for 7 days and included the round trip airfare and was also all inclusive (it was a steal.. and I was broke). Granted, it’s not as big as a discount some of the other deals that I’ve heard from others, but these sort of deals are actually more common than you probably think.

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Is Romance Dead? No, just re- invented.


It’s been almost a year since my last blog post and to be completely candid, I just had no inspiration. Not to say that my life is vanilla (and there’s nothing wrong with vanilla), but I lacked motivation, vision, and any other synonym that comes to mind. I didn’t want create content just for the sake of it since I promised myself from the very beginning that this blog would be dedicated towards topics that I felt I was passionate about.

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The Lion King cast takes over airplane

I normally don’t post things on a whim but I saw this on my Facebook and I had to share it with everyone. Members of the cast sang “Circle of Life” prior to taking off on their flight back to Sydney and I’m really upset that I’ve never been on a flight that had something like this. I mean, can they just sing all the Lion King songs? Hakuna Matata is next I hope.

What are the two main ingredients to form a relationship?


For whatever reason, the universe has decided to bring forth friends and strangers to me to discuss their mid- life crisis and somewhere along the way that triggered something in me and now I think I’ve began the same stage. I can’t believe that I’m going to be 25 in September. Damn. 25. That’s half way to 50. But it could be worse and I could be half way to 60. Just kidding. I’ve covered several topics under the mid- life crisis umbrella over the past couple of weeks, with numerous people covering their profession, school, moving to another city, finances, family, and the ever so popular- love. I’ve heard some of the most insanely heart breaking stories, but have also heard some of the most euphoric heart warming stories. It’s amazing how both the mind and the heart work and how they can react completely different from one another.

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Ahhh, feels so good to be back! It feel even better to have a college friend on the blog scene and blowing up after only a couple weeks of creating her blog I’ve known my friend Terri since our college days at CSUN (Cal State Northridge) and probably within the last couple of months, I’ve know she had been contemplating on launching a blog and I couldn’t be more excited that she has. Continue reading

The city that never sleeps.. and neither did we.

My first trip to NYC this year was this past weekend and this trip has definitely set the bar high for my future trips to the Big Apple. I ended up going with someone that I’ve been dating the past couple months and it just so conveniently happened to land on Valentine’s Day weekend (Cue the “awwww”). We actually traveled with friends whom have never been to NYC prior so it was a great experience to be able to do our own thing but meet up with friends for dinner or drinks.. and party obviously.

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One year ago today, I started this blog with the intention to organize my cluttered mind and I couldn’t believe some of the material that I was able to come up with once the dust cleared. Although, I haven’t been as active as I was in the past with updating this site, I’m definitely getting back into that mindset so you should start to see more articles being posted frequently. Continue reading

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