

Heyyyyy everyone! I’m extremely excited to be putting all the clutter that happens in my head on paper.. well digital paper. I really wanted to create something that was the best representation of myself, so I figured that the best way to share this with the world (I know I’m getting ahead of myself) would be to create a blog. If you know me (don’t worry- you will), you know that there’s always a plethora of ideas and opinions running across my mind on a daily basis. Henceforward, vibewithme.com will cover topics such as:

  • Relationship advice- Because I’m single and I obviously have the best advice.
  • Traveling- Self explanatory. World domination.
  • Fashion everything- Ehh, more like clothes pertaining to my style.
  • Food- Because who doesn’t love to eat?!
  • Vibin’ with people- Because I’m intrigued by everything and everyone.
  • Date ideas- Because most men believe “that dinner and a movie” will suffice… every time.
  • ….Annddddd everything in between!

As you can tell, I’ve clearly thought about what this blog will comprise of but I am extremely excited to hear your feedback!

…. oo yea, my name is Christian. Hi.


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