Monthly Archives: February 2014

The city that never sleeps.. and neither did we.

My first trip to NYC this year was this past weekend and this trip has definitely set the bar high for my future trips to the Big Apple. I ended up going with someone that I’ve been dating the past couple months and it just so conveniently happened to land on Valentine’s Day weekend (Cue the “awwww”). We actually traveled with friends whom have never been to NYC prior so it was a great experience to be able to do our own thing but meet up with friends for dinner or drinks.. and party obviously.

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One year ago today, I started this blog with the intention to organize my cluttered mind and I couldn’t believe some of the material that I was able to come up with once the dust cleared. Although, I haven’t been as active as I was in the past with updating this site, I’m definitely getting back into that mindset so you should start to see more articles being posted frequently. Continue reading