Valentine’s Day/Weekend ideas in LA


Can anyone else believe that January is coming to an end? Well you know what that means, only 11 months left to go until 2015! Besides the obvious, there’s almost 10 other days that are celebrated or observed during this month including: Lincoln’s Birthday, Groundhog Day, Ballet Day, President’s Day, and the most well known date in February is the 14th. Why you ask? Because it’s Ferris Wheel Day!!! No.. really.. it’s Ferris Wheel Day. It just so happens that it shares the same day as the little chubby baby holding a bow and arrows which is also known as Valentine’s Day or SAD (Single’s Awareness Day). How convenient.

It’s a day dedicated to recognize our “Valentine” or our significant other or our dogs or our favorite food(s), and although we unfortunately need a day to do so, it’s more of a retail holiday than anything. Did you know that Valentine’s Day generates roughly over $15 billion dollars every year? Yea, that’s right. I said it. $15 BILLION DOLLARS EVERY YEAR!! I can’t deny the fact that I have contributed to a fraction of that amount in the past, but like many have mentioned, we shouldn’t have to wait for a specific day to show how much we love and appreciate someone else or pet or thing.

**My friend Tiffany so graciously gave me her two sense of how she felt about Valentine’s Day via Twitter. It’s an everyday occurrence. 

Screenshot 2014-01-31 13.24.48

It should be a year ’round thing.. but it’s not. So, for the sake of those that do choose to partake in the Valentine’s Day/Weekend festivities (since it lands on a Friday this year), I’ve provided several suggestions as to what to do or where to go or how to “enhance” your romanticism this year. Although I’ll be in the city that never sleeps (New York) for Valentine’s Day Weekend this year, these ideas can be used year ’round and have been featured in my previous blog posts so apologies if some of these seem repetitive.

My very first advice is to NEVER celebrate Valentine’s Day on the actual day. This is specifically for those couples that enjoy celebrating this event at restaurants or at some event that will draw large crowds. Unless you plan on booking a reservation at least a month in advance and don’t mind sitting within arms reach to another couple, I highly suggest that you celebrate it either the weekend before or after depending on what day Valentine’s Day lands on. This will help mitigate any stress of booking a reservation somewhere. Sidebar: Valentine’s Day is arguably the most stressful day for the dominant person in the relationship. It easily competes with Christmas and their significant others birthday. Anyways, back to reality- see below for my favorite ideas to celebrate Valentine’s Day/Weekend. WARNING: Some of this is hella cheesy for those couple into that sort of thing- I don’t discriminate (Hii Jingaa!).

If you have any additional suggestions or would like some additional ideas, please feel free to email and share your thoughts! I’m always looking for new places to go to and I’d be more to happy suggest date ideas accommodating any type of date.


Champagne Brunch Cruise in Marina Del Rey via Hornblower cruises

For $63 per/guest your cruise includes:

  • 2-hour harbor cruise
  • Brunch buffet
  • Free-flowing champagne and sparkling cider
  • Complimentary soda, juice, coffee and tea
  • Private table
  • Scenic harbor views
  • Relaxing background music


Color Me Mine

Prices vary per item but it’s a great activity to do with your Valentine as you’re able to pick any pottery item, paint it, and then take it home once completed. It will definitely challenge your artistic side and you can laugh at how terrible each others paintings are. I’d consider it one of the best ice breaking activities as it brings out the child in you. There’s 6 locations that I know of in Porter Ranch, Santa Monica, Glendale, Pasadena, Calabasas, and Beverly Hills.


Malibu Wines- Malibu

I’ve never been here during the night but I heard it’s just as amazing if not more. This is perfect for a weekend early lunch where you’re able to bring your own food and you only need to purchase one bottle of wine for a minimum of 2-4 people. They typically have live music and they also have movie nights during the summer nights. It’s a wonderful way to wind down in the Malibu mountains and you can even head over to Malibu Cafe which is literally right down the street.


Gondola Rides- Long Beach

I know there’s several of these type of “tours” along the coast and you’re able to take a little bit of the Italian culture with you right here in your back yard. I’d recommend booking something right before the sun sets so you’re able to get a breathtaking view and there’s always coupons on Groupon and Living Social if you’re interested in doing something like this later into the year.


Griffith Observatory- Griffith Park

This another one of the locations that is recommended to witness during the sunset but even if you’re not able to make it until later into the night, they’re open until 10pm so you’re still able to view LA at night. Oh, and did I mention that it’s free?

Rooftop lounges with amazing views


High Rooftop at Hotel Erwin


Hotel Shangri-la


Perch- Downtown Los Angeles


The Standard- Downtown Los Angeles


The Roof on Wilshire- Hollywood

By the Sea


Nobu- Malibu


Gladstones- Malibu


Lobster- Santa Monica

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