Daily Archives: June 17, 2013

Move over Vine!! Instagram bringing video?

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Facebook is holding a mysterious product launch event on June 20th and numerous sources believe that it will be unveiling video for Instagram (Videogram?- eh?). Instagram’s competition has grown more than ever this year with Snapchat and Twitter’s Vine.

“After Twitter debuted an Android version of Vine in the beginning of June, usage reached a tipping point: shares of Vines surpassed those of Instagram photos on Twitter — usage that has only diverged even more since then.”

If this is indeed what is being unveiled, this will become a pretty steep hill that Vine will have to climb. This not only lights the fire between Vine and Instagram, but also increases the tension between their parent companies, Twitter and Facebook. What does this mean for users? It essentially just omits the middle man. It’s one less app and one less social network (like we need any more). Facebook has really let Instagram paint its own canvas after being acquired and their user base will surely expand if this video product is released.

The real question is… when is Instagram going to start advertising? Are they even going to advertiser? Where would they advertise? The popular page? Would users pay to not see advertisements? What about sponsored ads for Instagram accounts such as Nordstroms, Forever21. etc.?
