Daily Archives: June 3, 2013

Juice Cleanse

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Soooooo I decided to go on this juice cleanse with several of my co-workers earlier this week and it was arguably the worst decision I’ve made this year. I would like to think that food and I are just made for each other and when you try to separate us, I clearly have withdrawals. I actually thought I was going to do relatively well, but I guess I have no one to blame but myself… since it was my choice. You definitely need to prepare yourself for something like this and ease into the cleanse. The night before my cleanse and I had a pretty large chicken salad along with some rosemary potatoes. I mean, I thought I was easing into it… I didn’t have as many carbs as I would. That’s a start, right?! Wrong.

The first day was most definitely the worst because your body is essentially is in shock and you become extremely lethargic from not consuming the sugars, carbs, caffeine, etc. that you’re typically used to. I slept 12 hours that night I was so exhausted (but like a baby). The second and third day (today is my last day. Thank God.) were not as bad in terms of feeling lethargic but I did have a pretty annoying headache which still has not gone away. I’m convinced that once I have a carb or ten (yes, ten) the headache will go away and I’ll be sure to update everyone if that is what resolves the headache. Granted, I did stay strong and I did not give into temptation, albeit the fact that my co- workers so graciously decorated my work space the second day with candies, chips, pretzels, animal crackers, etc.

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(Yes, that is a heart made out of pretzels- thanks, ladies)

Now, would I ever do this again? NO. I’m only saying this because of my unconditional love for food and I just don’t believe I should make myself suffer. However, I would recommend you trying it if you haven’t already. If I didn’t try it, I wouldn’t know that it was the worst decision I’ve made recently. For those of you that are able to do this multiple times a year for longer periods of time, I definitely commend you for your discipline and ability to resist temptation. Below is the “Juicery” we used named Kreation along with tips to consider before taking upon this challenge. Happy juicing! .. or not 🙂

