Daily Archives: May 2, 2013

“Photos of you” added to Instagram



Since the acquisition of Instagram last year, Facebook has made it’s new prized possession more and more like.. well, Facebook. When updating my apps, I always take a look at what features are actually being updated just because it might actually be of benefit. Lo and behold, when updating my Instagram today I noticed that they added a “Photos of You” option. Similar if not identical to Facebook. this feature allows users to tag friends when uploading a picture to Instagram and you’re able to see which pictures your friends were tagged in. You also have the option of approving tags of you by friends in your setting- this is what really matters. Don’t lie, we’ve all been waiting for this. Instagram released the following blog post today about their new feature:

Photos are memories of the people, places and moments that mean the most to us. We have always sought to give you simple and expressive ways to bring the stories behind your photos to life. Your captions and hashtags capture the “what?” and your Photo Map answers the “where?” but until today we’ve never quite been able to answer the “who?”.

Today, we’re excited to introduce Photos of You and bring you a new way to share and discover stories on Instagram. When you upload a photo to Instagram, you’re now able to add people as easily as you add hashtags. Only you can add people to your photos, so you have control over the images you share. And it doesn’t stop at people—you can add any account on Instagram, whether it’s your best friend, favorite coffee shop or even that adorable dog you follow.

There will now be a Photos of You section on your profile. When someone adds you to a photo, you’ll receive a notification and the photo will appear in your Photos of You. Want to make sure you like the photo first? No problem: you can easily adjust your settings so nothing appears on your profile until you approve it. Before your Photos of You section is visible to other people, you’ll have until May 16th to play around and get used to the feature. You can find more information about how Photos of You works and how to control your visibility at help.instagram.com.

Happy tagging everyone!