Get your mind right before you get your body right


I’m not sure if it’s because of the age range I’m in or if people really have their priorities messed up (could be both), but riddle me this: Why are people so concerned with their physical image when they don’t have their other priorities sorted out? If I go on any social network, I’m sure one of the first images or status updates is in relation to the gym or showing the world a “new and improved you”. Congrats, now what? Are you going to graduate college with that body? Perhaps you might even find a career with that physique. This is me venting.

I’m not by any means knocking people who are fit and successful in their respective fields but I don’t believe you should be more concerned about the way you look if you don’t have the rest of your life together. I’m all for working out and maintaining a healthy lifestyle as long as you have all of your priorities in line. Am I saying that you should binge on fast food and not work out until you have your life together? No. I am saying that you need to realize what your priorities are. Think about it.. if you dedicated just as much time going to the gym as you did on studying or finding a career, perhaps you’d graduate by now or have a career. As someone in their 20’s and living in Los Angeles, I found that you’re constantly in an uphill battle to look better and to have more luxurious items than everyone else. Stop focusing on what other people look like or have and worry about yourself, because those other people that you’re comparing yourself to are probably looking at others and doing the same thing. It’s a never ending cycle.

Focus on what matters the most in your life. What do you value the most in your life? If you’re going to complain that you’re taking forever to graduate or find a stable career, look at where your time is going. Is it being used as efficiently as possible? Can you sacrifice things in order to achieve what you want? You need to be able to assess what you want in life and what you need because what you want is not always going to translate into what you need. Get your mind right before you get your body right and if you’re amazing at multi- tasking, do both! However, don’t get so caught in the way that you look that you sweep all your other priorities under the rug. You need to focus on your main goal and can’t be sidetracked by temporary pleasures (this pertains to everything in life).


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