Daily Archives: March 18, 2013

Justin Timberlake- The 20/20 experience


As JT’s album is to be released in a couple of hours (well technically it’s already released in the east coast- bastards), I wanted to give my review of the album beforehand in case anyone was curious. How did you already listen to the album Christian? I plead the 5th. I need you to focus on the point here, not how I listened to the album before it was released. Focus. For me, this may be album of the year unless someone is able to blow it out of the water. I guess this isn’t fair to say since I’m a bit biased to him, but it’s damn near perfect.

I’m not sure where he got all this soul from, but is it safe to assume it’s because he’s from the souf? I’m still confused how he went from being the lead of N’SYNC to this multi- talented entertainer. Has anyone seen his skits from SNL this past month? It’s genius. This album is right up my alley with the first song “Pusher Love Girl” beginning with an orchestra of violins and suddenly transitioning to this pop- ish, R&B- ish beat. Justin Timberlake has been able to stun audiences all around the world with his singing, acting (although not so good), and comedic ability.. but most importantly his choice of women (or woman now)- Jessica Biel. Dear God. Does anyone else remember seeing her in 7th Heaven? She was always a fox. Anyways, this soulful and relaxed album is hella easy to vibe out to. See below for the album tracklist:

P.S. My co- workers are going to hate that this will be in full rotation through my speakers for the next month. Apologies in advance. But not really..
P.S.S. The only downside are that the majority of the songs are much longer than needed. I suppose you can’t have everything
P.S.S.S. This wasn’t really a review.

20:20 tracklist