Daily Archives: March 15, 2013

Vibin’ with Clauds- ThePennyCloset

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Facebook: ThePennyCloset
Twitter: Clauds_Love
Instagram: Clauds_Love
Website: thepennycloset.blogspot.com

“Style just can’t be bought. Instead of shelling out entire paychecks on a pair of jeans, invest the time into your creative mind. Be your own fashionista! Be you! And save! That’s what this blog is about. Look lavishly on an affordable budget.”

I had the pleasure of interviewing this lovely lady and what was initially supposed to be an interview in regards to her blog quickly turned into a discussion of life. I guess that’s what happens when you just vibe out. Living in Los Angeles, we’re constantly reminded of what we can’t afford whether it be the luxurious cars, the multi- million dollar home, belts that are worth thousands of dollar and so forth. Then again, I feel that some of us feel like we’re entitled to certain things because we live in such a society and the media instills that notion into our youth’s minds. Regardless, I wanted to capture the simplicity of life and how we have to work with what we’re given.. and if it looks good- well even better.

“Fashion can be bought. Style one must possess.”

Clauds blog, thepennycloset.blogspot.com, brings you diverse fashion tips without having to spend the hundreds (if not thousands) of dollars on those brand name items. Let’s be honest here, we all enjoy looking like a million bucks but don’t want to spend that amount- predominantly since we don’t have it. With her husband, Khristian, they’ve been able to collaborate on not only pictures but videos which is a nice touch on her site. Krs does a wonderful job capturing the items that compliment the outfit- which well all know that the little things become things. Her inspiration is drawn from other fashion blogs/shows and from there she is able to comprise outfits that she’s able to piece together from those ideas. She focuses on items that can make any women of any style look like they’ve walked out of a magazine because of the different looks that she’s able to give. The ability to make 3 different outfits out of the same clothes is what separates people with style and people who buy fashion. The variety of stores where she gets her items ranges from vintage stores in NoHo, to Aldo, to May Max, and so on. Check out the additional questions and quotes from the interview below:

What do you think is the biggest obstacle in today’s society?
“Finding your identity amongst those around you.”

What made you start your blog?
“I noticed that I would receive compliments from people about the outfits that I put together and how much they were and where I got them so I thought I’d put together a site where I could share that information.”

“People think I may be intimidating”

What is some advice that you’d give to young women nowadays?
“Express yourself more and don’t let people bring you down.”

If there is something that you could tell yourself 10 years ago, what would it be?
“I don’t think I’d ever marry a Salvadorian. Nope. Not me. Well we all know how that turned out.”

If you could have any super power what would it be?
“I’d make sure everyone had a home a roof over their head.” (world peace wasn’t an option- this isn’t a pageant. Ha!)

“I love that my husband surprises me and will put random stuff in my car or send me sweet text messages.”

Now that you’ve been in a relationship for 10 years, how have you made it work?
“He’s always made me laugh since day 1 back in high school and made me comfortable where I’m not being judged and criticized.”

What would you describe your style as?
“Depends on my mood that day but I can be sporty, classy, etc.”

Where’s one place you want to go and why?
“China. I love cherry blossoms and the culture out there, it’s just beautiful.”

I definitely encourage you to check our her blog, instagram, facebook, twitter, lookbook and everything in between (just don’t stalk her). Whatever your plans may be this weekend, take some time to vibe out with those around you this. Life is beautiful and it’s too short to be anything but happy. Go out there and be amazing!