Daily Archives: March 13, 2013

Personal Men’s Stylist- Fourth and Grand


What’s better than having a personal stylist send you a case of outfits every month? Bacon. Bacon is the only thing that’s better. Before Fourth and Grand was Fourth and Grand, they were called Gentleman’s Square and they’ve improved their service tremendously since I joined last year. I was introduced to this start up last year by a former colleague, Tal, who told me about a service where they acted as personal stylist who chose outfits for you based on the initial “quick style quiz”. The first thing that came to my mind was, “Dammit, why didn’t I think of this?” This is perfect for two types of men, and I’m sure you gentlemen fall in either category: The man who absolutely hates going to the mall (or wherever) and the actual process of shopping, or the man who is too busy to have time to go to shopping and likes to be kept up on the latest fashion trends. I happen to fall into both categories- how convenient. There’s so many beneficial features of this service (feedback, free shipping, only paying for items you keep, convenience, etc.), but I’d say what keeps me coming back is their customer service. Impeccable.

photo (44)

^^ohhh hayyyy that’s me!

Well, that’s nice Christian but how does it work? I’m getting there! The first step is to obviously go to their website Fourth and Grand and request a membership using your Facebook credentials or entering your e-mail address. You also have an option to call their phone number which is listed on their site and you’re able to speak to a stylist. Once they reply to you, they’ll lead you to a link where you take a quick style quiz where they evaluate your style based on the options that you chose. After 14-21 days, they’ll send you a monthly case with the items that fit the results of the quiz. Within the case there’s instructions on how to return the case of items along with feedback which I highly suggest you give. Like I mentioned before, you only pay for what you keep and the return process is extremely easy and free. Their company is forever expanding so I’d suggest you sign up soon to be placed on their list!


My personal stylist, Krystal, has diversified my cases based on the seasons and my feedback, and she never seizes to let me down. Within a case there’s typically 2-3 outfits which include a button down or polo complimented by an outerwear garment whether it be a cardigan or a sweater. I’ve requested for “colorful” socks and bow ties on occasions and she caters to every request I’ve had. I’d say that if you purchased the entire case you’d spend anywhere from $250-$400 depending on the items that are included for that month. You’re able to purchase individual items and you’re not by any means obligated to purchase the whole case. The case also includes a price list which states the cost of every item in the case so you already know what you’re going to be charged for once you return the case. They do an amazing job of reaching out to you before they send you the next case with any specific items that you’d like to see.
