Daily Archives: March 11, 2013

Congrats to the March giveaway winner- Josh Stewart!


I know I’m late with announcing the winner of the giveaway, but better late than never (I know Drake- “but never late is better”). After sorting out through more than 50 e-mails, it was difficult to narrow down the list to only the top 5 submissions. I probably should have been more elaborate when describing this giveaway that there’s only one winner… but now you know moving forward. When going through the submissions I was looking for topics that had sub- topics in which I would be able to write multiple articles about. There were some really detailed topics but I felt like they were copied and pasted from a Google search, which through me off completely (sorry to those that actually put time into it). Here were Josh’s topics and as simple as they were, I knew that they would serve as a spark for future articles:

1. Men’s Fashion Trends
2. Electric Dance Music/DJs
3. Upcoming classy LA events
4. Sophisticated living for every man (how to choose wine on a date)
5. How to be a gentleman
Congratulations Josh!!! Please contact me with prize of your desire.
Look out for next month’s giveaway in about 3 weeks! Thank you for everyone that participated and who knows.. maybe I’ll just give away a prize because I’m having an amazing day. 🙂

LA Fashion Week


Obviously there isn’t anything compared to New York or Paris Fashion Week, but I’m hella excited to attend several upcoming events this week during LA Fashion week. These designers will be showcasing their line for Summer/Fall 2013 and I’m eager to see what ideas everyone has. I’m most excited to attend Project Ethos with my amazing friend Krista this Tuesday, March 12, at Avalon in Hollywood. Project Ethos is an outlet for all up and coming designers, artists, and musicians. The event typically has different show rooms which display artists work as well as a runway show with performances in between designers. There’s more than 15 different events occurring throughout LA this week and I would highly suggest you go if you have an opportunity to. Although it’s labeled as “fashion week”, you’re able to witness everyone’s craft in which they showcase their art.

There are still tickets available for Project Ethos here and if you woud like a list of all events happening this week please see the LA Fashion Week calendar here.